Business areas
- Strategy Consulting
- Business Development
- Sales Interim Management
- VC/Funding Consulting
- Turn-Around Management
- Go-to-market Strategies
- Business Mediation
Birthday 1952
Married, 1 son
Industrial Manager
Night school Business Administration (IHK)
Night school Time and Motion Engineer
Business Mediator (IHK)
Long lasting professional experience
10 years assistant of the management board and deputy head (data processing and business assessment) of mid-sized corporations in the sector of manufacturing and printing/publishing.
25 years sales- and business development management in ITC industry:
Director sales and service, area manager, general manager central and eastern Europe, chief executive officer, founder and managing partner.
Practical experience with MBI, MBO, IPOs, exit strategies, VC and private equity.
Director business development international software-house in the business open source market.
Since 2011 Managing Partner at bridging4success, Munich. Consulting, Management and Investment to ITC market.
Member of the supervisory board in start-ups and growing IT corporations. business mediator, commercial judge county court Munich.
ITC Provider and Service Provider
Telematics/Navigations Provider
Business Open Source Provider
Start-Up and growing Corporations of ITC
Reinhard Schuhmann
St.-Cajetan-Str. 13
D-81669 Munich
Tel: +49 (0) 89 40 90 75 70
Mobile: +49 (0) 178 132 19 52
Fax: +49 (0) 32 22 37 77 49 1