Business areas
- Coaching
- Moderation
- Strategy Consulting
- Project Management
- Interim Management
Birthday 1970
Married, 2 daughters
Studies: MBA from Kellogg School of Management, Msc. in enginnering from FH Emden
20 years professional experience in the IT and telecommunication industry as:
Consultant for product management, sales and marketing, project and process management
Head of marketing in the B2B-software area
Member of the board at an international IT-security provider
Since 2006 active as a self-employed management consultant with main focus in the software- and telecommunication industry
IT Service Provider Corporations
Telecommunication Service Provider
Industry Corporations
Norbert Steinhauser
Schlüterstrasse 14
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (40) 600 928 43
Mobil: +49 (176) 256 57960
Fax: +49 (0) 32 22 37 77 49 1