Business areas
- Strategy Consulting
- Moderation
- Mediation
- Coaching
- Kongruation
- Project Management
- Interim Management
Birthday 1960
Married, 1 son
Studies Industrial Engineering
Studies Mediation
Studies Law
30 years professional experience as:
Consultant for strategy, IT-solutions and processes
Project director of complex IT projects
Sales- and marketing director in the B2B area
Board member of a medium-sized IT service provider
Chief executive officer of an international consulting firm
Since 2004 active as a self-employed management consultant, mediator and moderator
Main focus in the area of strategy development, target setting and collaboration
Advisory board
Verband Deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieure e.V.
Industrial Corporations
Travel/Tourism Corporations
Logistic Corporations
IT Service Provider Corporations
Telecommunication Service Provider
Initiator of IT and Telecommunication Services
Klaus-Olaf Zehle
Schlüterstraße 14
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (0) 40 60 09 28 43
Mobile: +49 (0) 172 44 95 66 5
Fax: +49 (0) 40 60 09 28 44